A full service investigative firm specializing in all aspects of
insurance defense & fraud investigations.

Backed by over 50 years of experience in the world of investigations & insurance claim handling. CIS is committed to providing you with the finest service and value in the investigative industry. Fraud image Chicagoland Investigative Service's dedication to our clients needs have made us one of the most prominent firms in the fight against insurance fraud. With CIS on your side, you can be assured that you have chosen a partner with experienced professionals that welcome the challenge of each assignment and strategically pursue the objectives established in each case with tenacity.

Chicagoland Investigative Services saves it's clients from paying out millions of dollars in claims every year.

Fraud Facts 101
  • Fact 1 - According to a study released by the Insurance Research Council, 35% of Americans surveyed said that it’s all right to exaggerate insurance claims and defraud insurance companies under certain circumstances.
  • Fact 2 - Nearly one of 10 Americans would commit insurance fraud if they knew they could get away with it. Nearly three of 10 Americans (29 percent) wouldn't report insurance scams committed by someone they know. Progressive Insurance
  • Fact 3 - Accenture’s 2010 customer survey found that three-quarters (76 percent) say they’re more likely to commit insurance fraud during an economic downturn than during normal times (up from 66 percent in 2003).